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Being creative, I've always had a passion for art, baking and my love for animals.
A few years ago (almost seven now), my son adopted a Golden Retriever puppy that he named Bauer. My job was to spoil him with toys and treats.
One day while shopping in a local pet shop, I picked up a bag of treats and decided to read the ingredients on the package. I never realized the chemicals, fillers, artificial coloring and preservatives that were in there to extend the shelf life for a year or more. I put them back, paid for the toys and left.
I started making my own treats from scratch, only using wholesome all natural ingredients, buying some cool cookie cutters, rolling out the dough, hand cutting each one and decorating them with icing and sprinkles for dogs. I gave them as gifts to friends, relatives, and neighbors who had pets, and they all gave their "Paws of Approval."
With their encouragement and my passion, Bauer's Biscuit Company was born.
And by the way, Bauer loves being the CEO and "Official Taste Tester." Nothing goes out or gets past him.

Matawan, NJ
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